The Scotsman




The Irish Taoiseach praised the crossing between the US and Canada on a visit to North America but pointed out that it was a hard border. Some speculated that the Fine Gael leader was making an unsubtle political point about Brexit. @campaignfo­rleo declared: “Just visited Canada-us border. It’s hi-tech and highly efficient, but make no mistake – it’s a hard border.” @dzuidijk tweeted: “I thin…i think this tweet might be meant for Theresa May” @olivercall­an added: “Leo Varadkar went to Canada for days to tell us the US border isn’t suitable for Brexit. Couldn’t he have just Googled it?” @alan_regan wrote: “What was Varadkar expecting other than a hard Canadaus border? Trump’s hardly been beating the aul’ ‘yay to immigrants’ drum, has he?”


Saturday’s much-hyped fight between the Irish MMA star Conor Mcgregor and the US boxer Flloyd Mayweather has not yet sold out. Reports say that as many as 7,000 seats are yet to be purchased. @Bbcsport said: “Fancy a last-minute trip to Las Vegas? Well, 7,000 tickets for Mayweather v Mcgregor remain unsold.” @Les_graham grumbled: “Most overhyped thing ever. Nothing to win or lose. Can’t even ban this nonsense from feed, just remove people. Nearly over, thankfully. @Mattnormin­gton 7 tweeted: “Cue a fire sale? Would be embarrassi­ng to see a 1/3 empty arena on box office. But ultimately, not sure they care, as long the money rolls in.” @Inspvernac­ular exclaimed “They’re selling Mayweather-mcgregor fight tickets at Costco in Vegas. Times are rough.”


German police seized thousands of orange ecstasy pills shaped like Donald Trump’s face. Many took to Twitter to joke that the US President was the new face of tripping. @germanjedi asked: “German police in Osnabrück stumbled upon a car with 5,000 ecstasy pills feat. Trump’s face on them during a routine control. What the heck?” @Douxdux joked: “Like ecstasy, Trump had me confused and talking really fast for about 4 hours and then sobbing and fatigued for a week.” @Welcometod­ot warned: “Just say no kids”.

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