The Scotsman

Electric dreams


So the SNP Government is to shake the English taxpayers’ magic money tree again by “electrifyi­ng the A9”.

Electric cars have little value to working people along the A9 through the Highlands, who need reliable allweather vehicles, often with four-wheel drive and diesel engines. The quoted range of electric cars is the most favourable – range will be halved in a Scottish winter with heater, headlights and wipers all on. And who wants to plug in and re-cable in a rainstorm in Dalwhinnie, then wait half an hour to get some juice into the battery? As for a fast charge at home, the National Grid warns not to boil a kettle while doing so, as it may trip your electrical supply.

Modern internal combustion engines have minimal emissions, the technology is tried and tested and the lifespan of a diesel or petrol car is much greater that of an electric vehicle, which will be scrapped when its battery gives out. Some 75 per cent of all Land Rovers ever built are still running, while Subaru claim 99 per cent of all their cars built in the last ten years are still on the road.

If the SNP’S plan to ban diesels and petrols goes ahead in 2032 – a big if – the garages of Northern England will enjoy a boom time. Yet another example of the SNP government in thrall to the high priests of extreme environmen­talism who do so much damage to Scotland’s economy. WILLIAM LONESKIE

Justice Park, Oxton So the SNP plans to ban new petrol and diesel car sales from 2032? Won’t people just travel to England to buy one? GEOFF MOORE Alness, Highland

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