The Scotsman

Youth coach quits over bullying row

● Child protection officer alleges his complaints were not acted upon


one coach, which resulted in a recommenda­tion that he be removed from coaching duties, a daily newspaper reported. He was said to be furious after it was ignored by club bosses.

The coach was accused of bullying a boy at a tournament in Holland earlier this year, leading to one player to be removed from the club by his father.

It emerged the coach had been accused of a similar outburst two years ago, which resulted in another boy being withdrawn from the club.

Stewart’s resignatio­n letter, seen by the newspaper, said: “I can’t accept the committee’s total failure to deal with child protection issues.

“As the committee will not allow me to act in any way that allows me to protect the health and wellbeing of the children involved with the boys club, I have no option but to resign.”

He continued: “I produced a report which included a recommenda­tion the coach have no further involvemen­t in the boys club. I was not allowed to bring this to the committee for discussion.”

Stewart’s letter claims the parents accused of threatenin­g behaviour are related to club committee members.

He added: “I didn’t resign lightly.

“I didn’t want anyone to be able to accuse me of standing by and doing nothing.”

Club chairman Steven Mcnellis emailed Stewart to say a separate inquiry into a clubcoachh­adbeenlaun­ched. It is thought the committee question the methods used by Stewart in his probe.

Celtic Boys Club said in a statement: “The club will never tolerate bullying and discrimina­tion.”

0 Jim Stewart resigned from Celtic Boys Club

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