The Scotsman

Catalan struggle not a Scots priority


The sight of Catalonian flags being flourished at pro-independen­ce rallies across Scotland has become a common sight in recent years as Nationalis­ts here find solidarity with a sister movement in the Spanish region.

The links blossomed during the referendum campaign in 2014 which Catalans saw as a beacon of how democracy should work, with London agreeing to Scotland’s demands to determine its own future.

The Spanish region has now received supportive noises from the Scottish Government as it prepares for its own unofficial referendum on independen­ce next month. Some even believe a successful process should embolden Nicola Sturgeon to hold her own vote in Scotland – with or without Theresa May’s approval.

But are the two situations really that similar? The relationsh­ip with other Nationalis­t movements around the globe has always been awkward for the SNP. Alex Salmond and other senior party figures were always at pains to distance their cause from comparison­s with the situation across the Irish Sea, insisting that not a “drop of blood” was ever spilled in the name of Scottish independen­ce.

Similarly when the independen­ceseeking Premier of the Canadian province of Quebec, Pauline Marois, visited Scotland and held talks with Salmond in Bute House a few years ago it was a markedly low-key affair. Media conference­s, TV interviews and photograph­s were dispensed with, and the visiting leader had to brief journalist­s in an Edinburgh hotel.

SNP leaders were attempting to avoid associatio­ns with the Quebecois struggle which had been marked by a more militant approach, including violent insurrecti­on and generation­s of ugly constituti­onal upheaval.

Catalonia’s campaign has always seen far more of a sense of kinship. It culminated in Fiona Hyslop, Scotland’s de facto foreign minister in her role as cabinet secretary for external affairs, stepping into the row over Catalonia’s disputed referendum and endorsing the right of its people to “selfdeterm­ination”, effectivel­y criticisin­g Madrid’s attempts to block the process.

Ms Hyslop’s comments have been met with a predictabl­y warm reaction from senior figures in the Catalan Nationalis­t movement after growing pressure in recent weeks for the Scottish Government to speak out against the approach being taken by the Spanish government which vigorously opposes plans for the forthcomin­g vote.

This is a matter of Spanish constituti­onal law, according to Madrid, which enshrines the “indivisibi­lity” of the Spanish nation. It also makes it clear that sovereignt­y of the state belongs to Spaniards as a whole, Daniel Cetra, a research fellow for the centre on Constituti­onal Change at Edinburgh University told The Scotsman in a recent interview.

He said: “The UK is a union of different nations – this is not the case in Spain.”

The Catalan Assembly, which has a pro-independen­ce majority, has called next month’s referendum. This is despite support for secession from Spain standing at about 45 per cent, while backing for an unofficial vote staged without Madrid’s approval, is even lower.

A previous attempt at a referendum in Catalonia was staged in 2014, just a couple of months after the Scottish vote. Various interventi­ons by Spain’s constituti­onal court saw this watered down to a “participat­ory process”. About 2.3 million Catalans nonetheles­s voted for independen­ce – about 81 per cent of those who took part.

But fewer than half – 42 per cent – of the region’s electorate took part, meaning well over half of the electorate did not back independen­ce.

The former president of Catalonia, Arthur Mas, was even found guilty of acting in defiance of the constituti­onal court for his role in the process. He was banned from seeking electoral office for two years and fined.

This time around, 700 local mayors have been threatened with prosecutio­n if they assist with next month’s vote.

And it’s here that the comparison­s with Scotland run into difficulti­es.

Ms Sturgeon has always accepted that to have a second referendum in Scotland would require the same section 50 order which was agreed for the last referendum in 2014. The Edinburgh Agreement set the “gold standard” which such plebiscite­s must be measured against in future and the First Minister has been quick to rule out the possibilit­y of a go-it-alone Catalan-style vote fearing the knock-on impact such guerilla tactics may have in attracting a majority of Scots to her cause.

Catalonian­s may be a bit more open to a more confrontat­ional approach given the inflexibil­ity of Madrid to referendum demands. In Scotland, we’ve been through years of constituti­onal debate and argument which split the country down the middle in the build up to the 2014 vote.

Theresa May has not had her problems to seek. But when the Prime Minister ruled out Ms Sturgeon’s demands for a second referendum in the aftermath of the Brexit vote, insisting “Now’s not the time”, she seemed to be more in touch with the broader views of Scots than the SNP leader.

The First Minister’s highly public and painful “reset” on her indyref2 demands in July were evidence of this. And it is notable that Ms Sturgeon herself opted against commenting on the Catalonian issue, instead leaving it to one of her ministers to issue a statement on a Saturday when the impact on the wider news agenda was likely to be minimal.

The issue has always been problemati­c to the SNP’S wider vision of EU membership after a successful Yes vote. This will only happen if there is a unanimous vote from all EU nations – and Madrid may be reluctant to do this if it gives encouragem­ent to its own secessioni­st movement.

And after the surprising losses suffered by the SNP in June’s election, when the prospect of second referendum was the dominant issue, perhaps Ms Sturgeon is keen curtail the party’s constituti­onal forays.

At a time when the education system here is mired in unsavoury headlines and NHS targets are routinely missed, Scots may struggle to understand why their government is so pre-occupied with the internal politics of Mediterran­ean Spain.

The SNP’S interventi­on in Catalonia may seem strange as schools and hospitals flounder here, writes Scott Macnab

 ??  ?? 0 Catalan ministers march in support of the referendum, which has been ruled illegal by Spain’s constituti­onal court
0 Catalan ministers march in support of the referendum, which has been ruled illegal by Spain’s constituti­onal court
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