The Scotsman

Green tells SNP ‘get serious’ on Brexit

● Scottish ministers told to ‘get serious’ ahead of talks to break Brexit deadlock


Theresa May’s deputy has told the SNP that it is “time to get serious” ahead of talks about the draft EU Withdrawal Bill.

Damian Green, the First Secretary of State, will meet Deputy First Minister John Swinney in London along with Scottish Secretary David Mundell and Scotland’s Brexit minister Michael Russell, to try to thrash out a deal that prevents a constituti­onal crisis derailing Brexit.

Mr Green said calls for all 111 powers to be devolved before talks on Uk-wide frameworks would hit jobs and harm consumers.

SNP plans to take control of agricultur­e and environmen­t powers returning from Brussels after Brexit will “dismantle” the UK’S internal market, Prime Minister Theresa May’s deputy has said.

Damian Green told Scottish ministers it was time to “get serious” about which powers will be devolved after the UK leaves the European Union, and which will remain at Westminste­r to prevent barriers to trade with England.

Mr Green, the First Secretary of State, will meet Deputy First Minister John Swinney in London along with Scottish Secretary David Mundell and Scotland’s Brexit minister Michael Russell, to try to thrash out a deal that prevents a constituti­onal crisis derailing Brexit.

The Scottish and Welsh government­s have accused Mrs May of a “power grab” that threatens the future of devolution by seeking to retain powers in areas currently administer­ed in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. SNP ministers accept that common rules will be needed in some areas to facilitate trade, but Mr Green said Scottish Government demands for all 111 powers to be devolved before talks on Uk-wide frameworks would hit jobs and harm consumers.

He said: “The UK government’s priority is providing continuity and certainty, so not to damage our hugely beneficial internal market and not to burden businesses with extra barriers to trade.

“We know that this is what people and businesses in Scotland want. EU law intersects with devolved competence at Holyrood in 111 policy areas. We need to start working through this list of areas with the Scottish Government in a serious manner to determine what areas will require a UK approach, and where different practices will be acceptable.”

Mr Green has previously warned of a “subsidy war” if control of agricultur­e funding is devolved. And he said the Scottish Government’s demands were “back to front” and would cause “gridlock and uncertaint­y”.

“The Scottish Government position is that we should devolve absolutely everything to them and only then start to talk about how we rebuild the internal UK market,” he said.

“But this logic is back to front. We are not going to take risks with the UK market, risks that could cause real hardship to businesses and consumers.

“It makes no sense to potentiall­y dismantle or disrupt large parts of our UK internal market and then hold talks on how we might be able to rebuild it – that is sure to result in gridlock and uncertaint­y.”

Welsh and Scottish ministers have put forward a joint list of changes they want to see made to the EU Withdrawal Bill, which will trans- fer European law into British statute and ring-fence powers in devolved areas at Westminste­r. Nicola Sturgeon and Carwyn Jones have threatened to block legislativ­e consent motions if their demands are not met, triggering an unpreceden­ted constituti­onal crisis.

Mr Russell said: “This meeting provides a fresh opportunit­y to set out the fundamenta­l flaws in the Withdrawal Bill and to encourage the UK ministers to take on board our amendments. This situation is easy to resolve and our amendments would, if adopted, enable the Bill to go forward for the consent of the Scottish Parliament.

“I ft heuk government agrees to consider these amendments carefully and stops this attack on devolution, then I have no doubt we can work together to reach a sensible consensus.”

 ??  ?? 0 Damian Green said Westminste­r was ‘not going to take risks with the UK market’
0 Damian Green said Westminste­r was ‘not going to take risks with the UK market’

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