The Scotsman




It was announced yesterday that Scotland is to impose a permanent ban on fracking. Energy minister Paul Wheelhouse said Holyrood had a duty to act in the ‘best interests of the country as a whole’. The news seemed to go down well on Twitter with the Scottish Government being praised for its landmark decision. @Markruffal­o said: “Scotland, do the right thing and ban #fracking! Protect public health, the climate and environmen­t!” @mmachch said: “99% of responses to @Scotgov consultati­on against #fracking - that’s a true mandate to ban the industry!” @Carolinelu­cas said: “Brilliant news! Time for the UK Government to do the same. #fracking”


Holyrood ministers took evidence on Labour MSP James Kelly’s Member’s Bill to repeal the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Supporters of the act say that behaviour at Scottish football grounds has ‘improved greatly’ since it was introduced in 2012. @Thegingero­gre disagreed: “Aye, moving backwards is a great idea. How can we condemn bigotry and racism if we move backwards?” @johnham666 said: “@ thesnp @policescot­land What is the point of the offensive behaviour at football act when it’s ignored by police?” @iainmacdh tweeted: “Most who are against the act have never had to sit at a home match and listen to 2 visiting teams’ fans’ bile.”


American rock music legend Tom Petty, whose hits included Free Fallin’ and I Won’t Back Down, died after suffering from a full cardiac arrest at his home in California. However, millions were left scratching their heads after a mix-up lead to the singer’s death being reported globally several hours before he had actually passed away. @Paulmccart­ney said: “Sending love to Tom Petty and his family at this difficult time” @eltonoffic­ial said: “Tom Petty’s music and songs are timeless. He was a wonderful writer, musician and singer. Irreplacea­ble and unique” @Shehanjeya­rajah said: “Everyone is complainin­g about CBS reporting Tom Petty’s death, but getting something directly from the LAPD is enough to go on.”

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