The Scotsman

A clear view


I was disappoint­ed that The Scotsman did not give front page coverage to the view of Rory Stewart MP that the only way to deal with British Islamic State fighters in Syria will be “in almost every case, to kill them”. This is the boldest statement on the subject by any mainstream Western European politician.

Rory Stewart is no hothead, but a former diplomat with extensive knowledge of the Muslim world. Indeed, from 2000 to 2002 he walked alone 6,000 miles through rural Iran, Afghanista­n, Pakistan and India. The war crimes, including genocide and slavery, of the self-styled Islamic State draw parallels with the vilest deeds of the Nazis.

However, there is one key difference – on 8 May 1945 the adherents of national socialism knew their ideology was utterly defeated.

Unfortunat­ely, the fall of Raqqa and the implosion of their self-styled “caliphate” is only a setback for IS ideology. There is still a global support network for Sunni islamism. Wahhabism is still the philosophy of our Saudi allies; Pakistan’s intelligen­ce service allegedly sponsors the Taleban and a global network of radical mosques still preach Salafist doctrines.

If more of our politician­s began to see the world as it is rather than as polite opinion would have us believe it to be, our security might be assured.

OTTO INGLIS Inveralmon­d Grove, Edinburgh

First Michael Fallon and now Rory Stewart claim that the only way to deal with British Islamic State fighters in Syria is to kill them. The two gentlemen should be sent to the Middle East to personally manage the executions on our behalf. YUGO KOVACH Old School House Winterborn­e Houghton, Dorset

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