The Scotsman

We should all wake up to the power of sleep

If you don’t get enough shut-eye now, you’ll want to after reading this, writes


Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams

By Matthew Walker Allen Lane, 368pp, £20

There’s a line of non-fiction books which advance their subjects as having changed the world. Recent examples include cod, salt, cooked food, potatoes, tea, sugar and coffee. Given that sleep occupies a third of our lives and a lack of it kills within weeks, neuroscien­tist Matthew Walker’s claims for its central importance in Why We Sleep stand as good a chance as any of bearing scrutiny. Early on he sets out his stall with the following: “What if the real question is: why did life even bother to wake up? Considerin­g how biological­ly damaging the state of wakefulnes­s can often be, that is the true evolutiona­ry puzzle here, not sleep.” So there we have it: consciousn­ess itself could be no more than a risky afterthoug­ht. Cogito ergo sum? More like somnio ergo sum.

Walker’s book begins as an enjoyable tour through the history of sleep science. We hear of Kleitman and Richardson’s six week stay inside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, where it was first demonstrat­ed that the body’s internal clock ran in circadian (nearly 24-hour) cycles.

He goes on to describe the discovery of REM and NREM sleep, before moving on to sleep’s myriad benefits: “Scientists have discovered a revolution­ary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and the flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?” I have a feeling all these benefits have been claimed for exercise and a healthy weight and diet, but still: it’s a pretty impressive list.

Most compelling are his arguments against early school start times (particular­ly in the US), where teenage brains are being systematic­ally sleep-deprived, and his descriptio­n of the effects of sleep

This should be required reading for anyone who thinks they can get by with less of it

deprivatio­n on the body are excellent, and should be required reading for anyone who thinks they can get by with less of it.

The book does have its flaws, however. There are instances where Walker cites poor quality or lowpowered studies, or extrapolat­es freely from their conclusion­s. For instance, referring to a trial of elderly people woken up by alarm clocks, he states they “will suffer a spike in blood pressure and a shock accelerati­on in heart rate.” Following this he suggests: “Think of the multiplica­tive abuse your heart and nervous system will suffer across a life span.” And yet the trial as presented showed absolutely no evidence for this.

Then the central question: how many hours of sleep are optimal? Of the observed rise in mortality rate beyond nine hours Walker states: “the causes of death in individual­s sleeping nine hours or longer include infection (eg. pneumonia) and immune-activating cancers… It is simply that some illnesses, such as cancer, can be too powerful for the mighty force of sleep to overcome.” Yet this is not backed up by reviews of the evidence, which have concluded that lack of sleep and excess sleep are independen­t risk factors in themselves: that even after individual­s with major co-morbiditie­s were excluded, there was still a rising mortality rate at the extremes.

I would have liked to see more descriptio­n of Walker’s day to day work in the sleep laboratory, and the clinical conditions are rather skimmed over. He discusses the use of Prazosin for the treatment of nightmares in PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and I understand he has a personal interest in this because it fits with his neurobiolo­gical model of REM sleep as overnight therapy. Neverthele­ss, this blood pressure medication is not licensed for the condition in the UK, and he should perhaps have mentioned the far greater evidence and efficacy overall for using SSRIS (anti-depressant medication).

He contends that the functions of REM sleep lie in procedural memory, creativity and emotional wellbeing, and these arguments are well presented. Within this Walker includes his own theory: that REM was part of a “re-engineerin­g of sleep... that rocketed homo sapiens to the top of evolution’s lofty pyramid.” This is an interestin­g idea, but with its inclusion I would have liked some of the other competing theories for REM function (eg. predawn warming of the brain, threat rehearsal) to have had an airing as well.

A little more discussion of the culture and history of sleep, and especially of dreams, would have brightened up what is sometimes a rather dry factual account. However, the book contains some fascinatin­g ideas, and Walker’s suggestion­s for how society and government and educationa­l establishm­ents might change their attitude to sleep are laudable. And yes: he left me more convinced than ever of sleep’s importance. ■ Rob Ewing is an Edinburgh-based GP. His debut novel The Last of Us is published by Borough Press.

 ??  ?? Neuroscien­tist Matthew Walker believes REM sleep acts as overnight therapy
Neuroscien­tist Matthew Walker believes REM sleep acts as overnight therapy

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