The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye

Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr Whatever has inspired this hive of activity, it is bringing out the dynamic side of you. Your high energy levels boost your love life.

Taurus 21Apr-20may Nothing fazes you right now, so getting on with any task seems pretty straightfo­rward. That is, unless Cupid tries to trip you up midweek.

Gemini 21May-20jun There are no surprises for you on the work front but colleagues are impressed by your singlemind­edness. Stick to your task.

Cancer 21Jun-22jul A few personal frustratio­ns could leave you feeling pretty peeved. but you can get matters sorted out once and for all. Stay focused.

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug Keeping everything simple is best, starting with any work-related decisions. If you are feeling frustrated by progress, let it be known.

Virgo 23 Aug - 21 Sep Tying up loose ends is needed now to keep you balanced. You tend to take on too much but with so much energy, is there any other way?

Libra 22Sep-22oct Twists and turns make you wonder where it is all going but the fog will clear. Something you started some time ago shows its worth.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov Agitation should not be in your vocabulary this week. Peace and quiet progress certainly should. A new romance or friendship beckons.

Sagittariu­s 22Nov-21dec Adopt a lighter attitude and go with the flow at home and work. Avoid rushing into any new liaisons and just enjoy getting to know others.

Capricorn 22Dec-20jan Grab any chance to get ahead with your plans and try to stay singlemind­ed. There will be plenty of time for play later. Positivity is key.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 18 Feb At some time you have to be honest with yourself about what you want from a partner. Make time for those important conversati­ons.

Pisces 19Feb-20mar Talk about what you want with loved ones and colleagues and try to find a way forward. A fresh approach and renewed energy is needed now. n

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