The Scotsman

Robison pledges NHS waiting times review will leave no stone unturned


Health Secretary Shona Robison has said an independen­t review will “leave no stone unturned” in finding out what went on in NHS Lothian over the under-reporting of waiting times at all four of the area’s emergency department­s.

She told MSPS the findings of NHS Lothian’s internal audit report on the issue were “very concerning”.

Lothian MSP and Conservati­ve health spokesman Miles Briggs pointed out the same health board had been involved in another waiting times scandal a few years ago and he asked Ms Robison if she was confident NHS Lothian had the leadership in place to ensure similar things would never happen again.

Ms Robison assured him that issues of governance would be included in the external review she had ordered.

She added: “I would expect to have that report early in the new year and of course will publish the findings in due course thereafter.”

Mr Briggs also asked what assessment the government had made of how waiting times were being recorded in every other health board in Scotland.

Labour’s Anas Sarwar said: “The fear will be this is not an isolated case, but a deliberate attempt to game the statistics.”

Ms Robison said: “There is no evidence that any other A&E department­s are not following the national guidance.”

 ??  ?? 0 Anas Sarwar said the fear is it was not an isolated case
0 Anas Sarwar said the fear is it was not an isolated case

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