The Scotsman




The Democratic Unionist Party leader Arlene Foster has spoken out following reports of a “regulatory divergence” between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK after Brexit. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Nicola Sturgeon and MPS have also expressed criticism over the proposals. @Jerrystill­man said: “The devolved administra­tion of Scotland is fighting to remain because the Scottish people voted Remain. The devolved administra­tion of NI is fighting to leave because the people of NI voted Remain. I know which I prefer.” @joannacche­rry added: “Yesterday the PM had to withdraw agreement on her OWN agreed text as a result of the DUP blocking progress. This is no way for a British PM to have to conduct herself in internatio­nal negotiatio­ns.” @gdog2010_john said: “You have 13 Scottish Tory MPS in Westminste­r. That’s three more than the 10 DUP MPS strong-arming the Govt into a hard Brexit. Time for Scots Tories to put their money where their mouth is and push the Government into remaining in the single market which is in Scotland’s interests.”


The US Supreme Court allowed the revised travel ban to take effect, including disallowin­g visas to those with bona fide family connection­s to the US. The third travel ban affects six Muslim-majority countries including Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. @Briannabbu­sh said: “This is disgusting! These people come here to seek new beginnings!” @monaeltaha­wy added: “Shameful day for the US Supreme Court – it has permitted Trump’s fascism and bigotry. Disgracefu­l #USA”


A blaze broke out near Santa Paula, 60 miles from Los Angeles. The flames have burned 31,000 acres and forced 27,000 people to flee. @travischle­pp said: “Goleta and Camarillo residents chiming in also report power outages. One of the widest spread outages you will see.” @Merlinyyc wrote: #Wildfire forces thousands to flee homes north of LA. I wonder how worried Trump is about these folks”

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