The Scotsman


Barrs have told Irn-bru fans fearing the upcoming recipe change that it will still be sugary, and ‘amazing’


It was bad enough when they ruined Lucozade! I already drink responsibl­y but when I do want a sugary drink I don’t want a load of aspartame, which causes its own health issues.

– Psycrow

This could well be just an advertisin­g campaign ... they might end up still making the original recipe, but at a premium price (the added sugar tax, plus a sweetener for Barr’s).

– Scotspat

Do your stomach a favour, don’t buy the liquid sugar. Never understood why anyone drinks it, it’s not even good for a hangover.

– Dave Zin

The word ‘amazing’ is overused. When I try the new product I may like it and I may not and I may describe it as ‘nice’ or ‘pleasant’ or ‘refreshing’ or even horrible – but it certainly won’t be ‘amazing’.

– Donny Goll

Still four spoons of sugar per can, what’s not to like? Diabetes, obesity and so much more notwithsta­nding ... what’s next, low alcohol buckie?

– Paul

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