The Scotsman

Space invaders


Edinburgh is struggling to cope with the mass influx of visitors to the city during its major festivals, according to a damning new dossier. Edinburgh has become a victim of its own success! My heart sinks at the “complete overhaul” mentioned in the article which, amongst other things, means more pavements being widened and never mind all the disruption to the residents trying to go about their business. Never mind neverendum­s, we have never-ending roadworks!

Jay Williamson There’s lots of mileage left in what’s become a real-life Disney theme park. Great for hoteliers and those who skin the mugs alive, but not much fun for us who see bits of George Street and the High Street with temporary structures charging tourist prices.

Louis Ridiculous that the local population in Edinburgh and Scotland as a whole are not benefiting as they should from the city’s popularity – have the government never heard of supply and demand economics? As our schools and hospitals groan under the strain we are bypassing the opportunit­y to levy a substantia­l visitor tax – doubled during peak times.why are the private tourism sector the only lot with the brains to fully milk this golden cow? Get on and do it now.

pcnich The priority should be getting rid of stupid street signs, railings and bollards that steal pavement space from people. On top of that the council is way too tolerant of A-boards and other advertisin­g which steals more space. Many cafes and their outdoor seating have also annexed space. People getting in the way on pavements is a real pain. I can’t imagine tourists are happy about it either. So, there are all kinds of things that can be done to improve things for pedestrian­s before we start introducin­g a tourist quota and denying people entry at customs.

hcallahan More tourism worries as Skye is dubbed one of the top 12 global tourist destinatio­ns to avoid this summer by US broadcaste­r CNN. Skye is wonderful but if you go as a tourist, depending on the time of year you visit, you’ll have vastly different experience­s. The sad reality is that, at peak times, Skye struggles to cope with the demand that the tourism industry brings to it. Sadly there are a small minority of inconsider­ate tourists who spoil the place for others, especially (and most importantl­y) the people who live there. less humanity clogging the isle, but tourism does support the economy. That’s why I visit off-season.

Alice Anne Kroehling Hall I think the 15 minutes of fame brigade who couldn’t wait to talk to reporters and moan about the big bad tourists that wanted to come and spend money and help their economy have a lot to answer for.

Catriona Walke In Colorado, we have a “tourist season”. But they won’t let us shoot them. done . . . but people accepting whatever Westminste­r gives us or future generation­s because of a piece of cloth need to wake up.

Willie Munn The problem is that the majority of the population don’t share your view. Democracy can be very tedious at times.

Mark Spinks A lot of Scots died for that flag.

Willie Matthew The butcher’s apron will never be my flag. My flag is the Saltire – the oldest flag in the world.

Terry Walls Should be both. Scotland’s voice was made clear in 2014 and that was that we wanted to stay part of the Union.

Wayne Morris You’d think flags had super powers the way people carry on. Unfortunat­ely the Union flag has repeatedly been used by unpleasant people who have an intolerant agenda.

Laura Forde

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