The Scotsman

Disagreeme­nt on live animal exports could spark trade war


Germany. Government sources were quoted at the weekend as saying that a live export ban is “something we want to get moving on”, with plans expected in the autumn.

A spokesman for Mr Gove’s department said it was “considerin­g all options”.

Animal welfare charities have long campaigned for a ban on live animal exports, arguing that abattoirs elsewhere in the EU do not meet UK standards, and animals suffer during long journeys.

A private members’ bill that would ban all live animal exports except those born in Northern Ireland being sent to the Republic is being promoted by Conservati­ve MP Theresa Villiers, and has the support of more than 50 MPS.

However, last year trade body Quality Meat Scotland warned that live exports were “fundamenta­l to the longterm sustainabi­lity of the Scottish red meat industry”.

One-third of the roughly 3.2 million lambs reared in Scotland each year are exported to the rest of the UK or to the EU, either for slaughter or breeding. Exports of live animals were estimated to be worth £51 million to the Scottish economy in 2015.

Mr Ewing said: “The UK government appear to be ready to ban all live exports of livestock. So let me be absolutely clear: this is one Uk-wide framework the Scottish Government will not be participat­ing in.

“I will not support anything that creates further challenges or difficulty for our farming sector or puts Scottish agricultur­e at a disadvanta­ge. Any such move would potentiall­y do substantia­l harm to our quality livestock sector, not least farming in the Western Isles, Shetland and Orkney, as well as trade with Northern Ireland.

“The Scottish Government will therefore not support the banning of live exports of livestock, but will remain committed to the welfare of all animals during transport adhering to the current rigorous standards which apply – standards and regulation­s provided by the EU, that are already world class … enabling our produce to be traded around the world.”

In September, the former Cabinet minister Damian Green warned of a possible trade war between England and Scotland, claiming that joint control of agricultur­e was needed to prevent Holyrood ministers giving an unfair advantage to Scottish sheep farmers.

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