The Scotsman

Post-brexit working week must be capped at 48 hours, says Leonard

- By CATRIONA WEBSTER paris.gourtsoyan­

Scottish Labour has renewed calls for the working week to be capped at 48 hours after Brexit.

Leader Richard Leonard argued for the rights provided by the European Union working time directive to be protected on leaving the bloc and for the removal of the UK opt-out.

Labour has previously said the move to limit the working week to 48 hours would benefit 250,000 workers in Scotland. The party said the optout would be phased out gradually as earnings rise.

Mr Leonard said: “The pro- 0 Richard Leonard said the EU provisions should be protected vision of the so-called ‘UK opt-out’ from the working time directive has allowed for excessive working hours to prevail in breach of a measure designed to provide health and safety-based rights for workers.

“As a result, currently an estimated quarter of a million workers in Scotland routinely work in excess of 48 hours a week. This is no way to run an economy.

“Inmyview,weneedtore­tain the provisions of the directive like the right to paid holidays, the right to time off between shifts and the minimum rights to breaks, including the additional protection afforded to young people and, over time, end the opt-out by managing a planned reduction of excessive working hours in such a way that earnings do not drop and new secure employment is created.”

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