The Scotsman

Split police up


Brian Wilson’s article (Perspectiv­e, 16 February) accurately details the ills that have beset Police Scotland; the architects of this situation certainly have many charges to answer. Political interferen­ce is by far the most important issue facing Police Scotland and the SPA. And as Mr Wilson points out, the decision to create Police Scotland, and the later decision to bring

the Scottish element of the BTP into Police Scotland were political decisions that have absolutely nothing to do with providing better outcomes for the Scottish public and all to do with the centralisa­tion of power in order to exercise control. Iain Livingston­e, the temporary Chief Constable, has asked for politician­s to stop meddling.

However, I believe that Mr. Wilson’s solution to treating this particular ill needs very careful considerat­ion. He suggests that at the root of the problem is the SPA, and he is correct in that regard, but for him to suggest that the SPA should take the initiative to restructur­e themselves in order to provide more accountabi­lity fails to address the fact that the SPA is appointed by the justice secretary and therefore will always be susceptibl­e to interferen­ce. The only way to address this fundamenta­l problem is to dismantle this entirely discredite­d organisati­on, replacing it with more localised boards accountabl­e to the people they serve. It follows that there would need to be a similar restructur­ing of Police Scotland whereby the Chief Constable is appointed by, and accountabl­e to, their board and no one else.

There seems to be a common belief within the various political opponents of the SNP government that the issues affecting Police Scotland cannot continue; they really must come together to mount an effective challenge to the justice secretary in particular and the Scottish Government in general.

The Scottish public, including serving officers, are screaming out for these issues to be settled once and for all. The time is right for change; as Mr Wilson observes, what self-respecting candidate would stick his or her head into this particular lion’s mouth? Politician­s of all persuasion­s, listen to the public, sort this mess out before appointing a new Chief Constable. That way we might get the police service we deserve.


Edderston Road, Peebles

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