The Scotsman

Who wants cash?


A new report suggests that the government should give £10,000 to every citizen under 55 to ensure that everyone is getting a basic state wage. Under the proposals, two payments of £5,000 each would be paid over two years in lieu of certain state benefits and tax relief.

The Conservati­ve Government must be very tempted to pay everyone a one off payment of £10,000? At one stroke, the Tories could eliminate paying state benefits to hundreds of thousands of claimants, many of whom annually receive far in excess of this this sum. Go on!

Samuel Coldstream

This ‘citizens income’ fulfills the Sep/nat dream of being able to retire the day they leave school with no qualificat­ions and able to lie abed until noon for the rest of their days. Just who will

be left to work and earn the wealth to enable this windfall isn’t made clear.

Andrew Macaulay

Don’t be giving Sturgeon and Co any more ideas.

The Font

All achievable with a wave of Sooty’s magic wand, no need for anyone to earn the money first and pay enough tax. Some largely empty heads need banging together.


If they can work get them a job.

Big Scotlander

Why do some older people get such a sense of entitlemen­t. The younger people are going to be servicing the National Debt run up by their elders

Stewart Kirkwood

Left lunacy strikes again. This idea will increase illegal migration by millions Blatant discrimina­tion against those over 55.


What about the citizens over 55 who have contribute­d to

this country all our working days?

Ellen Anderson

In the spirit of utter selfishnes­s and just shy of my 54th birthday can I urge them to do it and DO IT NOW!

Wladek Wolanski

More madness, throwing money at people doesn’t solve problems.


This should be on offer to 70 and under. After all, they expect people to work to that age.

Chic Conroy

Why? How about using it to improve infrastruc­ture?

Celia Jelley

So it’s alright to work to 67 but you only get this if you are

up to 55, doesn’t seem fair.

Sandra Mcewan

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