The Scotsman

Fighting to save the rainforest from the scorched earth of human activity

Dr Peter Wilkie sounds the alarm over the pressure on unique areas of biodiversi­ty and the race to save them


Recognised as a major provider of biodiversi­ty expertise, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) has been invited this month to join a workshop in Indonesia hosted by the Natural Environmen­t Research Council (NERC).

The task: to develop a programme capable of understand­ing and, ultimately, conserving the biodiversi­ty of Wallacea, a globally-unique hotspot that has intrigued scientists and laymen for more than a century.

As a researcher who has worked in Indonesia and Malaysia for more than 25 years I have seen, at first hand, pristine forests laden with plant species, humming with the sound of animal and insect life and with crystal clear streams, quickly turn into scorched, scrub forest with muddy clogged-up rivers where massive soil erosion makes it suitable only for the most weedy species to thrive.

The forests that once supported local communitie­s are quickly becoming impoverish­ed. Action is required to stop the devastatio­n before it is too late.

The rainforest­s hold an amazing proportion of the world’s species diversity. Covering only about six per cent of the land surface of Earth they account for an estimated 50 per cent of all known animal and plant species and 75 per cent of arthropods.

Understand­ing the response of biodiversi­ty to environmen­tal change is key to delivering economic developmen­t and improved livelihood­s that will also maintain biodiversi­ty and the benefits it provides.

RBGE has worked in rainforest­s around the world for more than 50 years, undertakin­g inventorie­s, describing new species and publishing scientific papers, plant reference books and identifica­tion guides. The baseline informatio­n we publish is the foundation on which almost all plant research is built and is used by ecologists, conservati­onists, geneticist­s, modellers and biodiversi­ty managers.

The exciting new initiative by NERC to help develop a programme to understand the biodiversi­ty and evolutiona­ry responses to environmen­tal change in Wallacea has been widely welcomed by the research community. Wallacea is named after the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, who first observed distinct species distributi­on patterns in the area. It is the biogeograp­hic term for the group of largely Indonesian islands between two continenta­l shelves, one containing biodiversi­ty a strong Asian influence and the other with a strong New Guinea and Australian influence.

It is separated from both by deep water and has never been joined to either. Wallacea is internatio­nally recognised as a biodiversi­ty hotspot and covers almost 350,000 sq km. It is rich in species that occur nowhere else on Earth – with about 15 per cent of plants and half of vertebrate species only found here. It is also home to the Molucca islands, often referred to as the Spice Islands, once the major supplier of mace, nutmeg and cloves to the world.

Across the tropics large areas of pristine forest are being destroyed. Wallacea is no exception, with an estimated eight per cent of its forest having been cleared between 1990 and 2005. The population is projected to increase and this will put further pressure on these pristine forests. What is particular­ly worrying is that the rate of species discovery and descriptio­n is not keeping up with the rate of forest and species loss.

It is clear that the planet is changing and that biodiversi­ty is being lost at an alarming rate because of human activities. How this changing environmen­t will affect the ability of humans to survive and thrive in the future is unknown. Plant diversity has given us so much and Wallacea continues to play its part. Plants do not function in isolation, however, and are part of a complex ecosystem built up over millions of years.

Plants are intimately linked to pollinator­s, seed dispersers, soil and climate and a myriad of other environmen­tal factors: a point recently highlighte­d in a Friends of the Scotsman article from the John Hutton Insti-

tute on the role of soil in ecosystems. By bringing together UK and Indonesian researcher­s, we can gather data on the many different parts of the ecosystem jigsaw. This can help us better understand how biodiversi­ty and ecosystems are responding to environmen­tal change and allow us to deliver evidence-based sustainabl­e approaches to economic developmen­t and biodiversi­ty protection, conserving the unique qualities of this enigmatic region. Dr Peter Wilkie is a tropical plant taxonomist, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

 ??  ?? 0 Dr Peter Wilkie on an expedition into the rainforest of Malaysia, one of the rare ecosystems humming with life that is being badly affected and impoverish­ed by the actions of humans
0 Dr Peter Wilkie on an expedition into the rainforest of Malaysia, one of the rare ecosystems humming with life that is being badly affected and impoverish­ed by the actions of humans
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