The Scotsman

Your life in the stars



21 Mar - 20 Apr Is something happening that you don’t understand? Be patient and all will be revealed. There is a reason why a friend is acting out of character.


21Apr-20may Discussion­s over money could get quite fraught this week. Stay civil and sort out the issue before it threatens your friendship.


21May-20jun Looking for perfection can often lead to disappoint­ment, so why do it? Give someone who is different a chance and you may be surprised.


21Jun-22jul A loved one needs a bit of coaxing to open up over a personal matter. Maybe they think you expect them to be perfect. Reassure them.


23 Jul - 22 Aug When it comes to love, we sometimes take others for granted. Take a new approach and be open and appreciati­ve. You won’t regret it.


23 Aug - 21 Sep Put a bit more concentrat­ion into your endeavours this week and see some real progress. Doing things by half won’t get you what you want.


22Sep-22oct A slowdown in your plans was expected but it is still irritating. Just remember that something worth having often calls for patience.


23 Oct - 21 Nov You have been expecting something awkward, but it doesn’t prepare you for this week. Keep smiling and tough it out.


22Nov-21dec It is tempting to look back and see old relationsh­ips in a heavenly glow. Is that really how it was though? It’s better to live in the here and now.


22Dec-20jan Reach out to someone who can help you grow into the person that you want to be. A change of appearance lifts your mood.


21 Jan - 18 Feb It’s time for some long overdue fun. If others want to wallow in the past, let them. There is so much to get excited about at work and home.


19Feb-20mar Someone wants you to celebrate, but you aren’t in the mood to socialise. That’s fine, just don’t shut the door on future fun. n

Cassandra Nye

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