The Scotsman

Family ties


Ministers have been urged to allow child refugees to sponsor their close families members to join them in the UK. The SNP’S Angus Brendan Macneil wants to introduce legislatio­n enabling people who arrived in Britain as a child to be able to support applicatio­ns for their relatives to settle with them.

Utterly irresponsi­ble, it will simply encourage refugees to hand their kids over to people smugglers, in the hope of getting them into the UK.


I assume that their “Named Person” will have to make the applicatio­n on their behalf as they are too young to be trusted with life decisions by the Scottish Goverment.

Weary Cynic

It will just encourage more asylum seekers to come. When we have a housing crisis and public services are stretched trying to meet the demands of the people already here, seems mad.

Reality Checker

All this on the day an 18-yearold “refugee” is convicted of trying to slaughter a train load of people in England.

Common Sensei

How about this as an original idea,why not look after our own citizens (Uk),instead of looking for potential Nat voters further down the road!

capt jeffrey spaulding o.b.e.

Where does it stop? Sister then needs Auntie who needs Granny etc etc. Are the UK the only daft ones, Australia would never have it?


Such empathy for people living in conditions that we can’t even begin to imagine.


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