The Scotsman

Ambassador hits out at Johnson’s ‘irresponsi­ble’ Hitler comments


Russia’s ambassador to London has condemned as “totally irresponsi­ble” Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson’s comparison of Russia hosting the World Cup to Hitler’s 1936 Olympics .

Alexander Yakovenko said: “I am authorised to say that Moscow considers this kind of statement made under the level of Foreign Secretary … unacceptab­le and totally irresponsi­ble. The British government is free to take a decision about its participat­ion in the World Cup. But nobody has the right to insult the Russian people, who defeated Nazism and lost more than 25 million people, by comparing our country to Nazi Germany.

“That goes beyond common sense and we do not think British war veterans, including those of the Arctic convoys, would share this opinion.”

Mr Johnson made his comments while giving evidence to the Commons foreign affairs committee on Wednesday.

He said: “I think the comparison to 1936 is certainly right.”

Downing Street said yesterday the Prime Minister had “full confidence” in Mr Johnson despite the furore, though sports minister Tracey Crouch has distanced herself from the remarks.

Culture Secretary Matt Hancock said the best response to Russia hosting the tournament would be for England to win it.

Mr Johnson’s comments were branded “utterly disgusting” by Russian president Vladimir Putin’s spokesman.

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