The Scotsman

Tragic couple who died in Highland loch crash named

● Tributes paid to Poolewe couple after cliff plunge


A couple who died after their car left the road and plunged 100ft into a sea loch in the Highlands have been named.

Emergency services were called to the scene at Little Loch Broom in Wester Ross at around 3.45pm on Monday after receiving reports that a car had gone off the A832 and into the water.

The couple who were killed have been named as 44-yearold Kenneth Mccrimmon, known as Ross, and 48-yearold


Rose Bassett, who came from the village of Poolewe.

Relatives have been informed and asked for their privacy to be respected.

Coastguard­s and lifeboat volunteers from Ullapool, Gairloch and Stornoway also responded to the incident, which occurred not far from Ardessie, near the village of Dundonnell.

Local councillor Derek Macleod said workers raised the alarm after seeing the car leave the road.

“There is a nearby fish farm and some of the fish farm workers spotted it,” he said.

“It was about 100 yards from where they were.

“The two people had lived in the Poolewe area for a long time and both worked at Inverewe Gardens.

“Everyone is shocked. It is a small community of people who know each other for many miles around.”

Police are appealing for informatio­n about the crash

Road policing sergeant Gregor Hay said: “Our thoughts are with the family of the two people who have died at this sad time.

“Enquiries into this incident remain ongoing and we would ask that anyone who witnessed the collision or who saw a red Honda Civic travelling in the area at the time to contact police.”

Little Loch Broom lies at the foot of the well-known An Teallach mountain ridge, a popular spot for walkers, and opens into the Minch. It is nearly ten miles long and a mile wide.

The A832 runs along the western side the loch from Dundonnell.

The car left the road at a high spot where the ground slopes steeply down to the shore.

It is thought the couple were on their way home to Poolewe after visiting relatives in Ullapool when the accident happened.

Officers confirmed no other vehicles were involved and noone else was injured.

The road was closed for around six hours after the incident as emergency crews winched the wreckage of the car out of the water.

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