The Scotsman

Dog feeling below par has surgery to remove golf ball from his stomach


A dog needed life-saving surgery after swallowing a golf ball he picked up on a walk near his local course.

Dalmatian Pongo was taken to the vet with a suspected urine infection when an X-ray revealed a bigger problem in his stomach.

PDSA Vets in Edinburgh initially suspected Pongo was suffering from bladder stones, a common ailment for the breed.

Vet Gemma Hepner said: “We were primarily looking at the bladder, but the X-ray captured his stomach too – we could clearly see a foreign body in there.

“We knew it was a ball of some kind by the shape but couldn’t tell exactly what type. It was too big for him to pass and there was a real risk it could cause a fatal blockage in his stomach or his intestines if it were to move, so we had to operate to remove it.”

“It could have been there a day or two, or it may have been rolling around in there for weeks, but it could definitely have led to disaster so it’s lucky we X-rayed him when we did.”

Pongo’s owner, Jack Harvey, from the Muirhouse area of Edinburgh, was shocked by the discovery.

He said: “I often walk him by a local golf course and he likes to play with the stray golf balls, but I’ve never seen him swallow one.

“It was a complete shock when PDSA told me what they had pulled out of his stomach.”

He added: “I’ve still got the golf ball he swallowed as a reminder and hopefully he’s learned his lesson. I’m planning on watching The Masters this weekend, but I think Pongo’s had more than enough golf for one year.”

PDSA said it handles many cases of pets eating unusual objects, with the behaviour known as “pica” where pets, especially puppies and younger dogs, use their mouth to investigat­e objects that can be swallowed by mistake.

Sometimes a pet will swallow an item even though they had only intended to investigat­e it.

Owners are advised to speak to their vet for advice as soon as possible if they suspect their pet has eaten something they should not have.

 ??  ?? 0 PDSA vet Gemma Hepner with Pongo the Dalmatian
0 PDSA vet Gemma Hepner with Pongo the Dalmatian

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