The Scotsman

Giant pandas ‘could die’ due to noise


EDINBURGH’S giant pandas could die as a result of the noise and vibration from drilling work for a nearby developmen­t, the zoo’s chairman has warned.

Jeremy Peat has written to the city council’s planning convener, emphasisin­g the danger to Tian Tian and Yang Guang arising from the planned conversion of the former Corstorphi­ne Hospital into flats with new-build homes in the grounds. And he also hints any adverse effect on the pandas’ health could spark a diplomatic incident with China, which has loaned the animals.

It emerged last week that the Scottish Government had notified the council it may call in the Corstorphi­ne Hospital planning applicatio­n because of concerns raised by the zoo. Giant pandas have ultrasonic hearing and can pick up noises at very high frequencie­s.

In his letter, Mr Peat, who is chair of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, said: “The intended developer has carried out tests on the likely noise and vibration impact of its planned drilling and related works.

“With the support of an expert adviser, RZSS has examined those results.

“The noise and vibration will clearly have a very major adverse impact on the animals in their current enclosure, which could lead to one or both dying.”

Edinburgh Western Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-hamilton said: “This is shocking news.”

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