The Scotsman

Petition urges a rethink on proposed raven cull

- By ILONA AMOS Environmen­t correspond­ent

Nearly 35,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Scotland’s nature agency to withdraw a licence that allows the killing of up to 300 ravens.

The permit, from Scottish Natural Heritage, gives permission to kill the protected species as part of an experiment­al project aimed at reversing severe declines of wading birds such as curlews.

But conservati­onists have reacted with anger over the issuing of the research licence to an organisati­on called the Strathbraa­n Community, which includes estates where satellite-tagged birds of prey have disappeare­d in “suspicious” circumstan­ces.

They claim plans to cull more than 60 ravens a year over a five-year period in parts of Perthshire are to benefit sporting interests rather than safeguardi­ng threatened wildlife.

Duncan Orr-ewing, head of species and land management for RSPB Scotland, said in a blog: “In the first instance, we doubt very much that the proposal in this case has anything to do with the given reason for the research licence request. In light of previous loud complaints by estates in this and other grouse shooting areas about raven predation of red grouse, we and many others see this raven research proposal as simply a rather transparen­t mechanism whereby a perceived pest species can be removed to benefit red grouse, with the conservati­on of wading birds as a by-product.”

In a blog on the site Raptor Persecutio­n UK, the Scottish Raptor Study Group wrote: “When selecting a trial area, why would you choose an area dominated by driven grouse shooting with a history of illegal raptor persecutio­n? What message does this send out to the many law-abiding estates? Wildlife presenter Chris Packham has also spoken out against the scheme on social media and in a message to SNH chair Mike Cantlay.

He tweeted: “What has angered me most about @ nature_scot licensing the cull of Ravens on grouse moors with histories of raptor persecutio­n is the absolute betrayal. They are MEANT to be protecting wildlife not encouragin­g its slaughter.”

But land managers and gamekeeper­s have welcomed the decision by Scottish Natural Heritage to grant the licence, congratula­ting the body for “prioritisi­ng science over emotion”.

A spokesman for Strathbraa­n Community, which was issued the permit, said: “Farmers and keepers in the community have for a number of years identified ravens as a predators of wading bird eggs and chicks, particular­ly at breeding time.

SNH said: “The limited trial at Strathbraa­n in Perthshire will explore whether the reduction in ravens will help curlew and other ground nesting birds to recover.”

 ?? PICTURE; GETTY IMAGES ?? A licence has been issued allowing the killing of up to 300 ravens
PICTURE; GETTY IMAGES A licence has been issued allowing the killing of up to 300 ravens

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