The Scotsman

Power imbalance must be recognised and attended to

The fact that a client needs legal advice makes them vulnerable, says David Buchanan- Cook


Across all sectors – both public and private – there is an increasing awareness of consumer vulnerabil­ity and a recognitio­n of the need to adapt existing processes to identify these consumers and adopt measures to engage effective - ly with them.

Within the legal profession, this is as important as in any other sector. Solicitors provide a valuable service to their clients, and that service has to be tailored to the needs of the individual client, including taking into account the client’s potential vulnerabil­ity. But how do you identify a vulnerable client? Is it as straightfo­rward as it sounds?

Rules provided to solicitors by the Law Society of Scotland go some way to defining client vulnerabil­ity and offer useful practical advice for dealing with vulnerable clients. However, there are places where the guidance appears to equate vulnerabil­ity with capacity, and it is implied that this will arise infrequent­ly: “Often the solicitor will be able to check quickly and confidentl­y that there is no question of vulnerabil­ity ”. Is that really the case? Is vulnerabil­ity not more than that?

Most recent research on vulnerabil­ity tends to take the wider view that most individual­s are, to varying degrees, vulnerable. It is also generally considered to be a fluid state in that we are all, or could all be, vulnerable at different stages of our lives, and in different situations.

With that in mind, this surely must pose real difficulti­es for solicitors in identifyin­g which clients are vulnerable. It’s not simply the elderly or infirm, or those who lack capacity and require a Power of Attorney. Where a great deal of transactio­ns will be distress pur - chases – stemming for example from relationsh­ip breakdowns, bereavemen­ts, immigratio­n and asylum work, even the trauma of a house move – to what extent should these clients also be considered to be vulnerable? Fear, anxiety, depression or even simply uncertaint­y must surely be considered characteri­stics of vulnerabil­ity.

But there’ s an even wider issue to consider when looking at vulnerabil­ity in legal work.

Research into legal com- plaints has identified that there is a power imbalance perceived by most clients in relation to their solicitor. In most situations, where the client lacks the legal knowledge, that makes perfect sense. They view their solicitor as the subject expert to the extent that they feel uncomforta­ble questionin­g anything that they perhaps don’t initially understand for fear of looking stupid. The very fact that a client needs legal advice puts them in a position of vulnerabil­ity. How widely is that identified, acknowledg­ed and addressed by solicitors?

We see evidence in legal complaints that these factors are sometimes overlooked. The majority of complaints received by the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission relate to communicat­ion issues. Some of those stem from the fact that communicat­ion has not taken into account the client’ s distressed situation – there can seem little or no awareness that something lifechangi­ng is shaking the client’s very foundation­s. Others use language and technical jargon that assumes that the client has a level of knowledge and understand­ing that is unrealisti­c. It’s also worth rememberin­g that the average reading age in Scotland is only 11.

With all this in mind, the SLCC Consumer Panel is hosting a round table event in Edinburgh on 23 May. As a fringe event to this year’s Ombudsman Associatio­n Conference,whic his being held in Edinburgh, the round table is designed to look at how best the legal profession in Scotland can identify vulnerable clients and adapt accordingl­y.

It’s a welcome move, and is already generating widespread interest. And so it should. It is only through fully understand­ing the nature and scope of vulnerabil­ity that measures can be taken to ensure that equitable service levels are provided for all, and that all clients are treated fairly. David Buchanan-Cook, Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

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