The Scotsman

Roll of dishonour


Well, there is the fact that recorded crime is at its lowest level in over 40 years and police numbers are up. The public say they feel safer and Scottish Police have got on top of serious knife crime.

Dunnomuch There is zero trust for the police in Scotland right now.

Charlie Police Scotland is an SNP monster. Bring back local police like Lothian and Borders. Get Gaelic off Edinburgh police cars. More people speak Urdu than this White nationalis­t language.

oneworld72 Good point. The best thing that can be taught right now is Polish or as you say, probably Urdu. That would help to break down some barriers in some communitie­s.

Michael Johnston Typical comment from a senior police officer who has lost touch with what’s happening on the streets.

634TDJ You can tell Police Scotland is most definitely the SNP’S police force as that should have been a caution instead of a full- on court case and prison sentence.

Michael Mckeown What’s next? Transporta­tion to the colonies for stealing a loaf of bread?

Symonbqm The man in need of such basics should have been directed to a food bank . I thought the SNP were against custodial sentences for minor offences, obviously it doesn’t apply if they are the victim.

Duncan Mitchell What a world we live in when a small shop in Edinburgh has bikes stolen worth £ 6k a pop and the police do nothing other than issue a silly statement saying they are aware. But an SNP minister has a bog roll stolen and it results in a jail sentence.

Sparts To be fair, it’s what Deek writes his budget on.

Gary Lindsay An old friend of mine worked for the Inland Revenue in the 80s. One day he brought home a toilet roll from the office; every sheet had “Government Property” printed on it. Using it was oddly satisfying, even though it wasn’t very good quality.

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