The Scotsman

Support applicatio­ns due now


With less than a week now left to complete and return the annual support claim applicatio­ns, Scotland’s farmers have been urged to prioritise filling in their 2018 single applicatio­n forms (SAF).

With just shy of 10,000 applicatio­ns completed since applicatio­ns opened in March, a further 7,000 forms are likely to be filed for processing before the 15 May deadline.

Rural economy secretary Fergus Ewing urged those who had yet to submit their forms to do so online, stating that the system had been designed to make the process simple: “Applica- tions are automatica­lly checked for errors, which reduces the risk of problems with payments and financial penalties.”

And while the IT system handling the claims had suffered problems in the past, NFU Scotland said that the online applicatio­n process had seen significan­t improvemen­ts in recent years.

The union said that a combinatio­n of catching up with spring work, lambing and calving meant that many farmers had other priorities to focus on, but it too urged applicants to complete the forms as soon as possible.

It also warned that, unlike previous years, there was no likelihood of Europe granting an extension to the applicatio­n period this year – meaning midnight on 15 May was the deadline.

Jonnie Hall, NFU Scotland’s director of policy, said that while IT system was coping well with the current volume of applicatio­ns, a busy seven days lies ahead.

“I appreciate that farmers and crofters are stretched right now and playing catch up because of the poor spring weather,” he said.

“However, for the vast majority of farm businesses, completing SAF can be the most important days’ work in the year.

“I would urge anyone to prioritise this important task in the next few days.”

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