The Scotsman

Welfare waste


On BBC1’S Sunday Politics, social security minister Jeane Freeman said one of the objectives of her new welfare powers is to get 500,000 more Scots to claim their entitlemen­ts. She doesn’t know the extra cost but did say the £2.8 billion annual figure is actually £3.3bn, based on last year’s payments by the UK. She refused to say if taxes or cuts to other services would fund this.

Just to set this organisati­on up would cost between £400m and £650m. Would it not be cheaper and more effective to create an advisory service to inform people of their rights and help with paperwork and leave the UK Government to make the actual payments?

Gordon Brown’s ‘Vow’ is an albatross around Scotland’s neck. We need a brave, able politician to stand up and say this and any further plan for devolved power should be subject to an independen­t, thorough examinatio­n of the costs and benefits. ALLAN SUTHERLAND Willow Row, Stonehaven Jeane Freeman said on Sunday Politics the new benefit system in Scotland would be fairer and far more compassion­ate than that of England. Less form filling, people with more skills to help with the Scottish form and, of course, encouragem­ent for more people to claim benefits.

I would like to ask Ms Freeman to talk to transport minister Humza Yousaf. SNP policy is to require all people with disabiliti­es in receipt of a free travel pass to fill in a form to prove they are still disabled. This is required every three years. Caring, compassion­ate, less form filling! Maybe she needs to live in the real world?

DORIS MH DUFF Belmont Gardens, Edinburgh

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