The Scotsman

Abortion vote


Ireland has made its choice and voted to reject the fundamenta­l right to life of the youngest and most vulnerable human beings. When a society decides to allow the killing of its children for the conven- of adults, it loses its very heart and soul. Ireland was once a world leader in recognisin­g the fundamenta­l right to life of the preborn child and a country with one of the lowest maternal mortality rates. All of this will change now.

In the years to come, when abortion statistics are released for Ireland and we see that thousands of preborn children have been needlessly killed, will those who voted Yes hold their heads high and proudly say: “I helped to make this happen”?

This may sound like scaremonge­ring but it’s not. Ireland is just the latest nation to embrace the culture of death.

As the save the 8 th campaign said in its statement: “What Irish voters did… is a tragedy of historic proportion­s. However, a wrong does not become right simply because a majority support it.”

Human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception.

MARTIN CONROY Cockburnsp­ath, Berwickshi­re The raucous yawping from the winning side in the Irish abortion referendum was crass and hysterical, as if the voters were celebratin­g a lottery win or the destructio­n of the Berlin Wall: whether one is pro or anti-abortion, the result of the vote should have been greeted with the quiet dignity appropriat­e to such an emotive and difficult subject, possibly even with a silent prayer for everyone involved, if one is given to prayer.

The screams of delight were truly tasteless.

STEVE HAYES Aithernie Court, Leven

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