The Scotsman

Corbyn accuses May of being ‘too weak’ to stand up to Trump over tariffs


0 Theresa May says US tariffs are ‘deeply disappoint­ing’ Theresa May is “too weak” to stand up to Donald Trump over steel tariffs imposed on America’s allies including the UK, Jeremy Corbyn has said.

In a speech today, the Labour leader will accuse the Prime Minister of trying to “appease Donald Trump in the hope of getting a race-to-the-bottom trade deal with the US” after Brexit. Last night Mrs May told the US President that the tariffs on steel and aluminium were “unjustifie­d and deeply disappoint­ing” in a telephone call ahead of a tense G7 summit in Canada this weekend.

The Prime Minister reminded Mr Trump that the US, UK and EU “are close national security allies” and “underlined the need to safeguard jobs that would potentiall­y be affected,” a Downing Street spokeswoma­n said.

Criticisin­g the UK government’s “timid response”, Mr Corbyn is expected to say: “US President Donald Trump’s latest unilateral steel tariffs are wrong... But US workers, whether in steel or any other industry, are not wrong to want a government that actively supports them and the real, everyday economy.

“For 40 years, they’ve seen a completely rigged system shift more and more power and wealth to a tiny financial and political elite.”

MPS were told that Britain should impose “golf tariffs” on golf club owners in Scotland in retaliatio­n for US steel tariffs.

Labour’s John Mann said it was “about time this country fought back” and recommende­d targeting the president’s two golf resorts north of the border.

During debate in the Commons, Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox said he was “disappoint­ed” with Mr Trump’s decision.

Mr Trump imposed the 25 per cent levy on steel imports and 10 per cent on aluminium in March, saying a reliance on imported metals threatened national security. He originally exempted Canada, Mexico and the EU, a reprieve that expired on Thursday.

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