The Scotsman

Vision in red


And of course, it’s not just a problem for nurses. GPS in Scotland will now be paying an extra £1,000-1,500 per year in income tax compared to their colleagues down South. Medics, including nurses, are not in it for the money. But it’s not much of an incentive is it?

Soracte Great opportunit­y for 4,300 jobs for local people and to train up male nurses for a change.

Auld Reekie The NHS has been losing nurses since I can remember in the 80s, when thousands left to work in the USA because the conditions were superior and the pay was much better.

Richard Bordin Robison is to the NHS like Florence Foster Jenkins was to singing!

toup It’s hard to deny there are problems with our NHS. If it was doing well, we wouldn’t hear about it. We need new management to work out a plan of high improvemen­t.

Olivia Monikar Thousands of nurses are leaving, but don’t worry because we will all be reassured by the honest FM on Thursday at FMQT that the NHS has never been better. She will read out her prepared figures about how much she is pouring into the NHS and everything is fabulous.

Proud2besc­ots If politician­s like Robison and Sturgeon held up their hands and admitted there was a problem, instead of lying their way through what is patently a crisis mainly of their making, the electorate would have a bit more sympathy with them.

hedging bets Nothing to do with the government and more to do with too many bosses all with different “ideas” and nothing works, causing chaos and confusion. Once we had a matron running two or three wards who would be in charge of nurses and cleaning staff. Now we have one “boss” on every ward with a secretary and three more layers above them, all with staff shifting papers. THAT is where the money is being wasted. Why do politician­s always have to have “visions”? History is littered with “visionarie­s” who turned out to be either saints or barking mad – and politics is hardly the obvious route to beatificat­ion.

Lavrenti Zapadni Hopefully the spurious title of First Minister and the “shortbread senate” will be

Damian Thirsty What this country needs is independen­ce and the ability to raise and spend its own money and make its own decisions. They won’t all be correct but ones that aren’t will be ours, not someone else’s in Westminste­r, so we will fix them.

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