The Scotsman

Taxing problem


About time. This needs to be passed on quickly because my midwife in hospital wasn’t happy when I decided to give my baby a bottle. Also as a first-time parent going to antenatal classes, bottle feeding was only spoken about slightly with the bulk of it all about breast feeding. I planned to breast feed but my son had a tongue tie and unfortunat­ely wasn’t able to.

Cara Steele You can only feel empowered when you are given all the choices available to you. Not hiding formula away on the ward would be another good start. We don’t hide the breast pumps.

Dot Macfarlane I bottle fed all four of my babies. The midwife did give me a look but I told her it was my decision.

Nicola Clunie I bottle fed my first as I didn’t have a choice in the matter but I felt so much pressure to breastfeed then and felt horrible for years after. I had my twins in December and managed to combinatio­n feed them for a month before things got too hard and I moved straight on to bottle feeding. Being able to breastfeed them was am amazing feeling but I feel guilty that I couldn’t continue. There is too much pressure on mums as it is, never mind the bottle and breastfeed­ing debate. Whatever mums need to do should be the answer, as long as your babies are happy and healthy and well looked after.

Yvonne Munro My three-day-old baby was rushed back into hospital and put on a drip. She was dehydrated. I couldn’t feed her enough milk. While trying to express milk the doctor walked in and, after looking at my large breast, stated I shouldn’t have a problem feeding my baby. Any “breast is best” mum or dad should never comment on a mother’s choice. As long as the baby is happy and healthy it doesn’t matter.

Rowena Oliver Strange that in a country where abortion is readily and freely available, mothers who bring their babies to birth can be criticised for bottle feeding them. It’s nobody’s business. Feed the baby and leave everyone else alone to do the same.

Judith O’connor Not all mothers get a choice. People shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Not for drunks and health tourists. Make them pay and

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