The Scotsman

Alzheimer’s supplement claims are condemned


Experts have strongly condemned “irresponsi­ble” and “deeply cynical” claims that a new food supplement can slow the progress of Alzheimer’s.

A study of 13 patients found a combinatio­n of fish oil and eye-protective nutrients led to “significan­t” improvemen­ts in memory, sight and mood.

Trial patients who took the Memory Health supplement “displayed overwhelmi­ngly positive responses”, according to a press release accompanyi­ng the product’s launch.

Progressio­n of the disease was delayed and the supplement helped “maintain cognitive abilities and quality of life”, it was claimed.

A month’s supply of 30 of the capsules costs £27.50.

But leading experts strongly criticised the research behind the product, calling the “breakthrou­gh” claims irresponsi­ble.

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