The Scotsman

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Sturgeon hasn’t dropped this woman... she said she would be reflecting on the situation and won’t be asking Parliament to approve Ms Martin’s ministeria­l appointmen­t today.

toup “...the content of this blog written by her more than 10 years ago... I was not previously aware of all of the comments I am now aware of.”. Yet Gillian Martin says, “... when this blog was last raised publicly two years ago, I apologised...” So was [Sturgeon] NOT aware two years ago when one of her MSPS made a public apology? Doubtful.

happy bus traveller Have to smile when I hear Sturgeon say “...this content, however ill-advised it may be, does not reflect the views of the person I know in Gillian Martin”. What someone writes in a blog does reveal that person’s views.

Grigalach The UK Government is welcoming a guy who claims it’s alright to “grab her by the youknowwha­t”, yet unionists are upset about an 11-year-old blog comment? Talk about playing the fake outrage card.

RJS Hilarious watching the Nats being hoist by their own LGBTI, gender and equality-obsessed petard. In electoral terms, they are dead men, women and nonbinary individual­s just about walking!

Arch Stainton I watched on with dismay as Sturgeon made big play about having a genderbala­nced ministeria­l team like that was the most important thing. I have to admit I’m bored to distractio­n with gender politics. I would argue the public are not interested in gender balancing for the sake of it. Picking the best person for the job should be the only thing that matters, not filling a quota. Why is Gillian Martin apologisin­g anyway? If she wrote it then she meant it. If she believes it then what is she apologisin­g for? Speech is free isn’t it?

Generalcus­ter Almost all countries have to provide security for leaders visiting. He will have secret service too, I imagine. So, USA has to pay up as well.

Olivia Moniker Why do various police forces insist on saying such and such an operation costs X million? All the officers get paid if they are “protecting” a president or tackling drunks on a Saturday night. New ideas on management and policy are needed. This means the party must have a vision beyond “everything will be perfect after independen­ce”, which the Wilson report has skewered. So does anybody in the party have ideas about how public services should be delivered, how to tackle poverty and inequality, how local government should work with Holyrood, or how the economy can grow?

stuartxfx The real problem is not Sturgeon’s desire to “hog the limelight”, undesirabl­e though that undoubtedl­y is. No, the real problem is that she labours under the delusion that Scotland’s needs are identical to her desires. They aren’t!

Reality Demands to be Heard One of Sturgeon’s biggest problems is she just loves being in the limelight. Much better to keep your head down and get on with the work, you might even gain some respect from the Scots.

madbelter1 I’ll bet Kenny won’t be getting invited to any of Sturgeon’s house parties. It’s just a pity he didn’t have the [guts] to say this when he was in government.

Mackays Abacus I believe the fact that Nicola Sturgeon has booted the recently elected Deputy Leader, Keith Brown, from Cabinet into the long grass says much about her style of leadership and her insecurity. What she is saying to Brown is the party may want you, but I don’t.

City Loon Let them speak publicly about their own depts.

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