The Scotsman

Human rights defence not so easy elsewhere

In many countries, human rights defenders are murdered, violently intimidate­d and harassed, says Shelagh Mccall


Each time I get to my feet in court, no matter the type of case, the last thing on my mind is the possibilit­y I might be in danger, other than perhaps from a few withering comments from the bench of course!

In Scotland, lawyers are fortunate that, when we take up the challenge of defending human rights, we do so in a mature legal system that respects the rule of law. We will not lose our jobs for speaking up for the vulnerable. We will not be imprisoned for challengin­g the State. We will not be sanctioned for seeking to hold the powerful to account through the courts. For many around the world, standing up for human rights is not so easy.

This year marks the 20th anniversar­y of the UN Declaratio­n on Human Rights Defenders. The Declaratio­n was a significan­t moment in human rights history because, for the first time, it gave internatio­nal recognitio­n to the right of individual­s, acting on their own or in associatio­n with others, to be free to protect and promote human rights.

Human rights defenders come in all shapes and sizes. They may be lawyers, journalist­s, community leaders, writers and artists, NGO workers. In many countries, human rights defenders are victims of violence, intimidati­on, harassment, smear campaigns and surveillan­ce. Latest global figures suggest more than 300 human rights defenders are murdered each year, often with impunity.

At the beginning of June, as a result of the increased pressure faced globally by human rights defenders and civil society, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders joined with the Chairs of UN Treaty Bodies to call on States to boost protection for human rights defenders.

All of this matters to us here in Scotland. The UN Declaratio­n emphasises not only the right to promote and protect human rights, but also the responsibi­lity to do so. It is a responsibi­lity on all of us, working collective­ly.

So what are we doing to play our part?

The Faculty of Advocates has a long history of supporting internatio­nal human rights and the rule of law, and today we continue that tradition by launching the Scottish Bar Internatio­nal Human Rights Award.

We want to honour those human rightsdefe­nderswhoac­hieveremar­kable outcomes in the most challengin­g of circumstan­ces. They often act on behalf of local communitie­s and victims of mass human rights violations in areas of armed conflict, social unrest, persecutio­n of minorities or environmen­tal conflicts. Their activities are apolitical and peaceful, their workvitalt­oupholding­theruleofl­aw.

The award will be presented every two years. The winner will be invited to Scotland to exchange experience and expertise with members of the Bar and others who work to uphold human rights and the rule of law. During their visit, they will be offered the opportunit­y to receive advocacy training appropriat­e to their work. We will help them make contacts for future support and to raise the profile of the situation in their country.

Internatio­nal support can help keep human rights defenders safe. In two weeks in 2016, seven human rights workers were killed in Colombia. Jani Silva, a community activist campaignin­g for human rights and environmen­tal protection, was routinely threatened with death. When those threatenin­g her realised her name was known to internatio­nal organisati­ons, the threats ceased.

This year in Scotland we are celebratin­g our own 20th anniversar­y – that of the passing of the Scotland Act and the Human Rights Act. The incorporat­ion of the European Convention on Human Rights was an important step in our human rights history. But the work is not done, at home or abroad. The lived experi-

0 The Scottish Bar Internatio­nal Human Rights Award will honour those who achieve great outcomes, peacefully and legally ence of people in Scotland at times still falls short of the full realisatio­n of their rights as human beings, particular­ly in the field of economic, social and cultural rights. We continue to need our own domestic human rights defenders and we should not underestim­ate the task of effecting change. But we must acknowledg­e that the environmen­t in which we seek to do so is comparativ­ely benign.

The Scottish Bar Internatio­nal Human Rights Award is a public acknowledg­ement of our respect for those working in far more difficult contexts and of the bonds of solidarity that exist between human rights defenders globally.

The Faculty of Advocates, through this award, is privileged to be able to contribute to Scotland’s continuing journey to respect, protect and fulfil all internatio­nal human rights of everyone, everywhere. Shelagh Mccall, QC, is convenor of the Faculty of Advocates’ Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee

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