The Scotsman



It is utterly shocking that Mike Pearn and his wife were subjected to anti-english abuse in Majorca on Tuesday (The Scotsman, Friday, 6 July).

Mr and Mrs Pearn, the majority of Scots voted in 2014 in a “once-in-a-lifetime referendum” to remain part of the UK and, in my opinion, should there be another divisive referendum, the same will apply.

Unfortunat­ely, the rise of narrow, controllin­g, centralisi­ng nationalis­m in Scotland under the control and enthusiasm of Messrs Salmond and Sturgeon have split our country in two.

Anger and acrimony are permeating society, so much so that I am increasing­ly becoming ashamed to be Scottish – I am horrified at what is happening in my country.

Support for nationalis­m in Scotland is based on nothing more than misguided emotion and racism, as there is no good economic argument–andrew Wilson’s Growth Commission Report confirms this and SNP stalwart Jim Sillars also now is seriously questionin­g the current regime.

The racism towards England which mr and mrs pea rn experience­d was no doubt perpetrate­d by these Scottish teenagers who are too young and immature to truly understand the nature of their actions.

The sad thing is that there

are many adults who are of the same persuasion, which does nothing to endear us to others and are an embarrassm­ent to Scotland.

The majority of Scots are happy and proud to be part of the United Kingdom, so please, Mr and Mrs Pearn, be assured this was a small idiotic bunch of louts and not representa­tive of the majority of the Scottish people.

DOUGLAS COWE Kingseat, Newmachar

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