The Scotsman

Prince was ‘deceived’ by disgraced bishop he tells abuse inquiry


The Prince of Wales has told the child abuse inquiry he could not ‘shed any light’ on who he was referring to in a letter to disgraced bishop Peter Ball when he wrote: “I will see off this horrid man if he tries anything again.”

Ball had told the prince a single accuser was behind allegation­s which led to him having to quit as Bishop of Gloucester.

In a letter to the inquiry, the prince said Ball had told him the complaint against him was false and had arisen from someone who had a grudge against him and was “persecutin­g” him.

In extracts from one letter between the prince and Ball, Charles says: “I can’t bear it that the frightful and terrifying man is on the loose and doing his worst.”

But in his letter to the Independen­t Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) yesterday, the prince, who said he regrets having been “deceived” by Ball, said: “I regret that I am unable to shed any light on references made in a letter dated 23 March 1997 to a ‘horrid man’ or a ‘frightful and terrifying man’.

“This seems to be a manner of speaking in the midst of a long letter written more than twenty years ago.

“I do recall that Peter Ball felt that numerous individuhe als, including his critics in the media, were doing all in their power to disadvanta­ge him unfairly.

“I suspect, but cannot be certain, that the reference is to this issue in some way.”

Charles maintained a friendship with Ball for more than two decades after Ball accepted a caution for gross indecency, only stopping contact when Ball was convicted in 2015 of sexually abusing 18 young men over 30 years.

The prince says he did not know about the nature of the complaint against Ball and had not appreciate­d the meaning of a caution.

A lawyer for some of the former bishop’s victims has said it was difficult to see that “as anything other than wilful blindness”.

In another letter from the prince to Ball in 1995 - two years after Ball’s caution - the future king said he wished he could “do more”.

He said: “I feel so desperatel­y strongly about the monstrous wrongs that have been done to you and the way you have been treated.”

Charles also said he had been told by the then Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey that the church was looking at bringing Ball back into public ministry.

In the 1995 letter he said it was “appalling” that the Archbishop, now Lord Carey, had “gone back on what he told me”.

said it was clear the Archbishop was “frightened of the press - what he calls ‘public perception’.”

Another letter from Charles the following year referred to the process of getting a Duchy of Cornwall property for Ball and his brother Michael, Bishop of Truro.

It said: “I long to see you both settled somewhere that suits you and gives you peace and tranquilit­y - and not too far from here so you can come over more easily.”

The pair rented a Duchy property between 1997 and 2011. Charles’s letter to the inquiry said: “It remains a source of deep personal regret that I was one of many who were deceived.”

 ?? PICTURE; REX ?? The Prince of Wales with disgraced bishop Peter Ball
PICTURE; REX The Prince of Wales with disgraced bishop Peter Ball

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