The Scotsman

Are you kidding?

- Mark Falconer

A No-deal Brexit wouldn’t be a case of plucky Brits uniting against Johnny Foreigner in some nostalgic Dad’s Army fantasy, said Joyce Mcmillan

My feeling is that Brexit was going to be an opportunit­y to show these Foreign Johnnies where to stick their rules and regulation­s. The reality is that it is now a huge ball of tangled barbed wire that cannot be unravelled without pain and injury at every attempt. I also believe that those who voted for Brexit, and I was one, failed to understand the complexity of separation and were influenced by nostalgia rather than reality. I now believe that a second vote would result in a huge victory for the Remainers.

The Ayrshire Bard Joyce joins her fellow-nationalis­ts in promulgati­ng “Project Fear”. You know, something similar to what they complained so vociferous­ly about in 2014.

Scotspat The outcome of Brexit is complete uncertaint­y. If the Tory Government releases the proposed 70 Notices of Intent about the economic effects of Brexit then the population will sit up and take notice. Politicall­y, Euroscepti­cs in the Tory Party and Ukip created this unnecessar­y crisis and, ultimately, they will wreak its fallout.

Samuel Coldstream Here’s an idea for you, Joyce! Why don’t you write an article on the pain and hardship of Scottish independen­ce? You could read the toxic Growth Commission Report before you start writing it!

Proud Scot For the majority, whether we stay in the EU or not will make little, if any, difference to their lives. History is full of political and economic changes, some for the good, others not, whatever the outcome, life goes on, people adapt and make the best of circumstan­ces. Brexit is not Armageddon merely an evolutiona­ry change of direction.

Aristotle Good article. Dad’s Army was funny at the time but the continuing use of wartime spirit mythology to bolster contempora­ry political scams is pretty perverse.

Berlin Calling

I wonder if they got a liquidator .... sorry liquidiser .... as a wedding present!

James Duffy Looked like they had a brilliant day – best wishes for the future.

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