The Scotsman


Your life in the stars



21 Mar - 20 Apr As the month ends, hold on to both your cash and enthusiasm. The two can be a powerful combinatio­n, leaving you out of pocket.


21Apr-20may This is a time for some flexibilit­y and give and take. Any recent disagreeme­nts should be glossed over to keep life running smoothly.


21May-20jun Starting a passionate affair, or paying special attention to your partner this week? Well, you have chosen the right time.


21Jun-22jul Although you see work as being important, try to keep a balance this week. In an emotional period, you will want to avoid friction.


23 Jul - 22 Aug You seem to be in the eye of an emotional storm. Outside is still and yet inside you are in turmoil. It is hard to keep your mind focused.


23 Aug - 21 Sep What you hear this week will bring a greater understand­ing of someone. You may be a bit disappoint­ed with their attitude.


22Sep-22oct You are about to meet someone quite unusual. Have the confidence to let them know what you are looking for. Build that big romantic dream.


23 Oct - 21 Nov Encounters can be strong enough to make you break up (so be careful what you wish for), or a new love can dive-bomb your life.


22Nov-21dec If you come across those who want a good argument, then step aside. Sorry, you are just not in the mood for this kind of time-wasting.


22Dec-20jan A surge of energy from Mars makes you determined to shoot ahead. It doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong, no one is going to stop you.


21 Jan - 18 Feb Love may be on the menu but you seem reluctant. I know that you can be a serious soul, but you really should find time for romance.


19Feb-20mar Have you dipped into the slow lane of life without realising it? This is not you. Get back to being the life and soul of the party. n

Cassandra Nye

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