The Scotsman

Fox terrier Macca in Orkney to sniff out stoats

● Specially trained dog is key to project to protect native wildlife


A New Zealand-based dog and his handler are set to begin work on a major wildlife conservati­on project in Orkney.

The Orkney Native Wildlife Project aims to protect the indigenous wildlife on the islands by removing stoats – an invasive non-native predator first recorded in the area just eight years ago.

The scheme, a partnershi­p between Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and RSPB Scotland, intends to protect local wildlife such as the Orkney vole, hen harrier, short-eared owl, red-throated divers, Arctic terns and curlews, which are said to face a “serious threat” from the presence of stoats.

The four-year-old fox terrier, named Macca, is a conservati­on detection dog specially trained to uncover signs of the mammals.

Over the next three months,

0 Macca is trained to locate and identify stoats to allow a conservati­on project to eradicate the invasive killers across Orkney

he and handler Angela Newport are tasked with systematic­ally searching for signs of stoats on the islands around Orkney’s main island which are thought to be at high-risk from invasion by the animals,

which can swim. Their work is a key part of on-the-ground preparatio­ns before the start of the programme to actually remove stoats from Orkney.

Ms Newport, 38, from North Canterbury near Christchur­ch,

said: “We are here in Orkney to do what we do best; seek out the sign or scent of stoat presence, particular­ly on the islands surroundin­g Mainland Orkney.

“Mac loves his job and is

surely happy to be here, and he does have a rather Scottish sounding name.”

Stoats are native to the UK mainland but not to Orkney. Since 2010, stoats are known to have spread and across Orkney Mainland and four islands linked to it.

There have also been a small number of sightings reported on other non-linked islands, including Hoy and Shapinsay.

Conservati­onists say the presence or absence of stoats on all “high-risk” islands has to be determined before the eradicatio­n programme can begin.

The only way to be certain that stoats are not present is to use specially-trained conservati­on detection dogs like Macca, they say.

The RSPB said plans are in place to train six dogs as part of the project, but because they take years of training, Macca has been brought in from New Zealand to help with the project in its preparator­y stage.

Sarah Sankey, from the Orkney Native Wildlife Project, said: “Orkney’s wildlife is such an important part of what make these islands special and is ingrained in our culture and our history.

“We want to ensure that, together, we can safeguard its future.

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