The Scotsman

EX-EDL leader freed but could yet face jail

● Robinson could be sentenced for contempt over alleged filming of trial


Former English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson has been released from prison but could still face jail over an allegation that he committed contempt of court by filming people in a criminal trialandbr­oadcasting­footage on social media.

Three leading judges in London quashed a contempt finding made at Leeds Crown Court in May, and granted Robinson conditiona­l bail from a 13-month jail sentence pending new proceeding­s at the Old Bailey.

Robinson left HMP Onley in Rugby on Wednesday afternoon after being freed by Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett, Mr Justice Turner and Mrs Justice Mcgowan in London earlier in the day.

The judges – whose decision was greeted with applause by supporters in the packed courtroom – said that a fresh hearing should be held “as soon as reasonably possible”.

Robinson may be sent back to jail after the judges rejected his lawyers’ argument that there should not be a fresh hearing because he has already served the equivalent of a four-month sentence.

Lord Burnett said that, if found in contempt of court at the fresh hearing, Robinson may even be given a longer jail term.

He said: “First, the alleged contempt was serious and the sentence might be longer if a finding is again made against the appellant,” and added: “Secondly, and in any event, a determinat­ion of the underlying contempt allegation­s in the circumstan­ces of this case is in the public interest.”

The judge said the maximum sentence available for breaching a contempt of court order is two years’ imprisonme­nt.

As he was collected and driven away by two of his supporters, Robinson told reporters: “All the British media do is lie. I have a lot to say but nothing to you.

“I want to thank the British public for all their support.”

Support for Robinson has also come from outside the UK, with followers from as far afield as Istanbul and Washington sending him almost £20,000 worth of Bitcoin, including a payment of more than £5,500 which passed through his Bitcoin wallet on the day he was jailed.

Right-wing media outlets including Fox News, Breitbart and Robinson’s former employer, Rebel Media, also flocked to his cause over the last two months, alongside high-profile figures including Donald Trump Jr and actress Roseanne Barr, and internet personalit­ies associated with the so-called alt-right.

In London, the judges said they were satisfied that the decision at Leeds to proceed to committal to prison “so promptly”, and without “due regard” to rules governing the procedure to be followed when a Crown Court deals with the conduct of a person alleged to have acted in contempt of court, “gave rise to unfairness”.

Lord Burnett announced: “We allow the appeal and remit the matter to be heard by a different judge. There is no requiremen­t that it be heard in Leeds...

“We invite the Attorney General to nominate an advocate to appear at the fresh hearing.”

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