The Scotsman

Oh yes, Boris


In the frenzy over Boris Johnson’s ill-informed comments about Danish Muslim women who choose to dress modestly, one other observatio­n has been overlooked. Reflecting on his experience in Denmark, Johnson praised the Danish spirit for its “genial, happy cussedness and independen­ce”. For many in Scotland, these admirable dispositio­ns equate to “Vote Yes”.

Johnson has been on leadership manoeuvres for some time and might yet oust Theresa May. If he succeeds, the Yes groups popping up all over the country will want to know if his enthusiasm for genial, happy, cussed, independen­ceminded people embraces not just Danes but those who live in Scotland. In the meantime, fledgling Yes groups are being challenged to explain “Yes to what?”. Whatever the question, it’s a fair bet that the answer is unlikely to be “Yes to Johnson for PM” but, as Lesley Riddoch would say, it’s maybe time the BBC asked it.

GERALDINE PRINCE Victoria Road , North Berwick

Walter J Allan (Letters, 11 August) is a brave man to come to the defence of Boris Johnson when he writes about the “letterbox burka” and how this clothing can be used to conceal weapons etc. The old adage of “When in Rome do as the Romans do” is very appropriat­e in these cases, as we have a tolerant society which welcomes people coming to our country, but we would like them to integrate into our community, which is what any reasonable people would do.

It would certainly be helpful if immigrants could be as tolerant as we expect to be when we are in a foreign country, and we all seek to achieve a better society in our wonderful country.

JAMES MACINTYRE Clarendon Road, Linlithgow

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