The Scotsman

A sinking ship?


In yet another example of the diminishin­g impact of the UK’S standing in the world due to Brexit, the European Council has confirmed the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) will move its headquarte­rs following the UK’S decision to leave the EU.

The operationa­l headquarte­rs will be transferre­d from Northwood, London, to Rota in Spain, while the Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) will move to Brest, France, as of 29 March 2019. The EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta protects vessels of the World Food Programme and other vulnerable shipping, monitors fishing activities off the coast of Somalia and supports other EU missions and programmes in the region.

This latest relocation of functions follows on from the decisions made last November to move the European Banking Authority from London to Paris and the European Medicines Agency to Amsterdam.

Little by little, the UK’S role in the world is being diminished,

and we haven’t even left the European Union yet.

ALEX ORR Leamington Terrace, Edinburgh

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