The Scotsman

Venezuela offers brutal warning over Corbyn’s Labour

The usual excuses have been trotted out as the latest socialist experiment has turned to tragedy, writes Brian Monteith


As the economic and social collapse in Venezuela continues daily, the many politician­s that hailed the country as an example of how socialism can work – and should provide a basis for policies here – refuse to recognise its tragic demise.

The rising evidence of a humanitari­an crisis, based on facts that are beyond dispute, tells a shocking story of immense poverty where there was once general prosperity; of massive aggrandise­ment and corruption where there was once a functionin­g pluralist democracy; of the perversion of justice where there was once independen­t institutio­ns and of depravity where there was once culture and civility.

Supporters of the Venezuelan government blame the failing economy – of the nation with the world’s largest oil reserves – on the collapse of oil prices, but the causes predate this and show no prospect of reversal even when oil prices are recovering. Almost 18,000 employees of the state-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela were sacked in 2003 by the late president Hugo Chavez after a failed strike. He replaced them with political placemen often without the necessary experience and starved the refineries of investment.

Oil production is expected to fall this year to one million barrels per day when it was achieving 2.5 million in 2016. As the economic crisis has mounted, the government of President Nicolas Maduro (Chavez’s deputy) turned to simply printing money. Consequent­ly, inflation is predicted by the IMF to reach one million per cent by the end of this year, while the proportion of people in poverty is put at 87 per cent and more than two million refugees have fled to neighbouri­ng countries.

The economic suffering has hit public services, with hospitals struggling to obtain medicines and treat patients; there have been food riots as people find shops empty and turn to raking the bins for waste that is edible. All this is documented.

Venezuela is now 169th in the world rankings for corruption by Transparen­cy Internatio­nal – the seventh lowest score. Elections are viewed as predictabl­e shams and political opposition is increasing­ly difficult and life-threatenin­g.

Reporting Venezuela’s fall from a nation of relative prosperity to one whose rankings in categories such as economic performanc­e, corruption, human rights, healthcare and education are falling like a stone has led to a climate of repression and violence by the ruling government. Radio stations that raise the problems have their electricit­y cut off while pro-government stations do not; newspapers that take a critical editorial stance struggle to obtain newsprint while organs of the government flourish; students and academics are dismissed – 17 professors have been charged with “disturbing public order” or “threatenin­g the revolution”. Last year there were 120 deaths from beatings, arrests and torture at the hands of government-backed vigilante groups or the police – often in plain sight. Many of these cases are secretly filmed and posted on the internet, yet the response from the West has been tepid at best.

How ordinary citizens are forced to behave just to get by is saddening enough, but the consequent­ial treatment of animals is sickening.

In a country where people scavenge for food, malnutriti­on among animals is rife. In the first six months of 2016 some 50 animals in Caricuao Zoo in Caracas died from starvation, while intruders killed a horse and stripped it for its meat. In Zulia Metropolit­an Zoological Park,

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