The Scotsman

Wasted journeys


With Brexit ditched, our government could focus its energy and time towards the real issues facing us all – especially preventing the nightmare of runaway climate change.

Otherwise, my fear is that a hard Brexit will be pushed through against the will of the people, emboldenin­g a rightwing faction which may (in Trump-like fashion) want to roll back any environmen­tal protection that we currently have.

That would be a nightmare scenario indeed.

DAVID BETHUNE Marion Crescent, Selkirk So we learn every month dozens of chauffeur-driven car journeys are made by ministers of all ranks from the SNP administra­tion between the Holyrood Parliament and St Andrew’s House – at a cost of more than £1 million per annum. It’s a ten-minute walk.

Is there a security risk? I doubt it, most are anonymous figures, pretty much unrecognis­able. And what about setting

a healthy example? Obesity is a major problem facing Scottish society – and judging a quick scan of the Holyrood debating chamber, more than a few sitting behind Nicola Sturgeon could do with shedding a pound or three.

And what about the SNP’S much vaunted green credential­s?

How about Ms Sturgeon’s team also gives some thought to the environmen­tal damage

their chaffeur-driven jaunts cause?

MARTIN REDFERN Woodcroft Road, Edinburgh

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