The Scotsman

Joke just the job


Scouse stand-up Adam Rowe scooped the accolade of performing the funniest joke at the Fringe, with: “Working at the Jobcentre has to be a tense job – knowing that if you get fired, you still have to come in the next day.”

If that is the standard of jokes, I think I will give it a miss.

James Wilson

And when do we laugh?

George Porter-mutch

When the man holds up the sign.

bobbestisb­ack There are no hilarious jokes any more. The PC brigade and profession­al offence takers have seen to that.

Jock Tamso n I suppose you had to ‘be there’?

Albert Hall

Some of these jokes seem to have been around for a while, perhaps delivery is what makes them sound new!

american bob

Got a job as a street cleaner, arrived first day, the boss handed me a brush and a black bin bag and gave me my route. I asked, isn’t there any training? He replied, no you will pick it up as you go along.

david miller Well, if these really are the best this year, perhaps it shows exactly why we should cancel The Fringe altogether and cut back on the Festival proper. Certainly we should not be expanding this event. Residents deserve better than this.

Corrigenda 2 That sums it up nicely!

As on those dire, so-called ‘comedy’ shows on BBC Radio Four.

George Porter-mutch

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