The Scotsman

Brexiteers’ ‘intellectu­al’ wing proves it is just as inept as Boris and co

Kenny Macaskill


ave cake and eat it’ blustered the bold Brexiteers almost two years ago. Captured on a scribbled note by the prying eyes of a long camera lens, it spelt out the complacenc­y surroundin­g those newly empowered by their referendum victory.

Not for them any magnanimit­y or recognitio­n that negotiatio­ns with the EU, let alone other nations would be far from easy. A deal would be “the easiest in history”, according to Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox, while his then counterpar­t at the Brexit Department, David Davis, apparently did not think he required notes at his first meeting with the EU delegation. The eloquent and multilingu­al Monsieur Barnier wouldn’t be a match for our bold boys who’d soon show him what for, or so they confidentl­y assumed.

But, look what’s happened? Not only can’t they keep someone else’s cake, but it’s evident that they don’t even possess a recipe to make a cake of their own.

That has been displayed in it all its crassness as Boris Johnson and the other Brexiteers have failed to put forward any coherent plan as an alternativ­e to the Chequers deal they so vehemently, if belatedly, decried.

With Johnson even describing the Chequers plan as a “suicide vest” strapped around the UK, you’d have thought an alternativ­e strategy would have been outlined. Instead, it was simply described as being “worse than the status quo” and no credible counter proposals have been outlined.

Yet, according to him and his partners in crime, membership of the EU means the UK is a vassal state where millions that could be spent on the health service are poured into the coffers of Brussels bureaucrat­s. That, after all, was what we were told during the referendum and we have been berated with similar arguments ever since. So, what could possibly be worse than remaining in the EU? Apparently, to them it now appears that the Chequers plan actually trumps it.

This is despite Chequers being lauded by other arch Brexiteers, including Dominic Raab, who was given David Davis’ Cabinet post to deliver it, and Theresa May apparently seeking to deliver the supposed “people’s will”, even putting her premiershi­p on the line over it.

So, the same complacenc­y and arrogance that they’ve displayed throughout continues. To be fair, there has been slightly less buffoonery and jocularity from Johnson. Perhaps, it’s a sign that growing public revulsion at his open chicanery is making him slightly more subdued, though he remains utterly shameless in his pursuit of power.

His colleagues have also been less bullish with references to D-day or the glory days of the Empire replaced by a stiff-upper-lip fortitude of Brits of old, whether through the Blitz or other times of hardship. Now it’s more a case of “It’ll be all right on the night” than the “Great British Bake Off ”.

For the truth of the matter is that the Brexiteers have no more clue now how they intend to deliver their Free Trade Utopia than they did at the outset. It was then and remains now highly theoretica­l, ignoring the practicali­ties of internatio­nal trade rules and the realpoliti­k of internatio­nal relations.

Earlier this week Johnson and his political ilk deferred to their gurus masqueradi­ng as “Economists for Free Trade”. However, the supposedly intellectu­al wing of the Brexit Movement was as inept and devoid of strategy as the political one.

Far from producing a heavyweigh­t tomb that would put most folk to sleep but shine a light for a national strategy, they turned out to be as full of the same vacuous rhetoric as their colleagues, coming up with a question-and-answer document full of banalities. For example, “wouldn’t WTO rules inevitably lead to tariff and other trade barriers ... and a reduction in trade?” was answered with “not in the long term”. “Won’t prices go up?” was countered with “no, in the long term they’ ll go down ”. Hardly enlighteni­ng, never mind reassuring, for those worried if their jobs will still be here and how long they might have to suffer until stability returns, let alone the glory days restored.

Their report was equally bereft of ideas about specific challenges for farming, finance and trade. People working in those sectors will hardly be content that “in the short-term speed bumps may be encountere­d”.

The “bumps” might be larger than

this suggests given comments by the boss of Jaguar Land Rover, who has warned tens of thousands of jobs in the automotive industry, which employs 40,000 people, could be lost if May fails to reach a deal with the EU.

Chequers is deeply flawed and delusional – given the attitude already taken by the EU – but a nodeal Brexit would be even worse, truly calamitous. Those who have already lied to us about the negotiatio­ns continue to do so about the outcome of their failures.

Suggestion­s that resorting to a WTO position is almost akin to resorting to the status quo that exists globally are truly fantastica­l. No other country operates that way,

let alone one with a developed economy that is dependent not just on trade in goods but in services.

Compoundin­g that we’re not even members of the WTO as it’s the EU who currently are. Given Liam Fox’s inability to strike separate trade deals even that might be called into question! What an unmitigate­d disaster; even Chequers appears more coherent.

The model idolised by those free market theoretici­ans is akin to that which was unleashed in Chile in the 1980s. Suggestion­s that some South American miracle was created there are utterly fictitious. A land that was already highly educated and rich in natural resources saw privatisat­ion let rip and inequality was suddenly

rocket-fuelled. Social and economic harm was done and the “fruitloop” American gurus behind it were swiftly sent packing.

That one of the leading Brexiteer theoretici­ans was a big supporter of the poll tax says it all. The UK hasn’t suffered a military coup, simply a soft political one engineered by a small oligarchy of the super-rich who funded those who have lied and cheated us to the edge of disaster. As with Chile, the social and economic well-being of the nation is now threatened.

“Let them eat cake” said Marie Antoinette to the sans-culottes seeking bread. We should be so lucky, Brexiteers can’t even offer that.


 ?? PICTURE: IAN KINGTON/GETTY ?? 0 Growing public revulsion at his open chicanery is making Johnson slightly more subdued
PICTURE: IAN KINGTON/GETTY 0 Growing public revulsion at his open chicanery is making Johnson slightly more subdued
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