The Scotsman

Golf ’s new rules made easier to understand in a player’s edition

● 4 million copies of more user-friendly and shorter version set to be distribute­d


A new Player’s Edition of the Rules of Golf has been published by the game’s two governing bodies as part of a drive to make a fresh set being introduced on 1 January, 2019, easier to understand.

The shorter, more userfriend­ly version is for players at every level of the sport, with four million copies in 30 different languages set to be distribute­d around the world by the R&A and USGA.

The new set of Rules feature the most significan­t changes in more than 30 years and the Player’s Edition has been produced in a simpler, more direct writing style than the main version. It also features easy-to-follow diagrams and charts to aid people in understand­ing the Rules, which have often been criticised for being too complicate­d.

“This is a shorter version of the Rules, one that emphasises the purpose of the Rules. It uses more diagrams and illustrati­ons than we have ever done before,” said David Rickman, Executive Director – Governance at the R&A. “A Player’s Edition has been part of our thinking probably for about five years. It took us a while to establish exactly what we wanted because it’s not a summary of the Rules.

“We felt it was important that players can rely on this version and, therefore, it needs to be accurate and complete in terms of those commonly occurring situations. That’s why it’s numbering is exactly the same. It’s written in the second person rather than the third person. It refers to the player and that’s been deliberate.”

The roll out process started at the weekend and the initial reaction to the Player’s Edition has been positive. One match secretary at a Scottish club wrote on Twitter: “The golfing authoritie­s often get slated but deserve credit for the new Rule book, which is much more illustrate­d and uses plain English for a change. The purpose of each Rule is also explained and makes understand­ing the Rules easier.”

Reacting to that feedback, Rickman said: “More of that would be great. There’s a lot of informatio­n coming the way of all golfers and we hope that between now and 1 January that golfers will take a bit of time to become familiar with the Rules so that they can put them into effect on 1 January.”

The process to modernise the Rules began in 2012 with the aim of making them easier to understand and apply for all golfers and to help make golf more appealing and accessible for newcomers. Some of the key changes in the new Rules include new procedures for dropping the ball when taking relief, the eliminatio­n or reduction of several penalties, relaxed green and bunker rules, and rules that encourage improved pace of play.

“I think the changes themselves are the biggest set of changes in a generation,” said Rickman. “I also think the presentati­on of the Rules are unpreceden­ted, some of which admittedly are technology driven. I think that we have largely left those big fundamenta­ls of golf and what makes it challengin­g and an exciting sport to play, but, at the same time, been able to strip out some of the technicali­ties, some of the complexiti­es and some of the unnecessar­y penalties.

“I think in our world this is pretty significan­t stuff and while we completely understand that we can’t solve all the challenges that the sport faces going forward, I do think that a simpler and more intuitive Rule book makes a valuable contributi­on to modernisin­g our sport, making it clear that it is a sport for anyone who wants to play it.

“I think we are trying to shift perception here and have people view the Rules not so much as a necessary evil but as an important foundation upon which the game is built and they are about ensuring players know what to do. They are there to help them as much as anything else.”

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