The Scotsman

Help us ensure we can reduce fuel poverty by 2040, MSPS urge public


MSPS want to hear from the public on planned legislatio­n to set a new legal target to reduce fuel poverty.

The Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill sets a target to have no more than 5 per cent of households living in fuel poverty by 2040.

A previous target set by the Scottish Executive in 2002 to eradicate fuel poverty by 2016 was missed.

Fuel poverty is currently defined as having to spend more than 10 per cent of household income on fuel, and under this definition the 0 James Dornan: ‘Having a warm home is a human right’

most recent figures show this affects more than a quarter of homes in Scotland.

The planned legislatio­n sets out a new definition which calculates the proportion of household income needed for acceptable heating and assesses the extent to which households can then maintain an “acceptable standard of living” once housing and fuel costs are deducted.

Committee convener James Dornan said: “Having a warm home is a basic right and noone should have to choose between heating and eating. The intention behind this Bill is therefore welcome.

“However, it is the role of the committee to look at these proposals in detail to determine if the target is achievable and if the measures will make a real difference.”

The calls for views closes on 9 November.

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